Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Birthdays and Babies

It's been about a month since I last blogged. BUT I have been kinda busy. Teaching 30 Kindergarteners, house hunting, and being pregnant takes a lot out of me sometimes. But I love my life. :-)

So, I decided to put a new picture of me on here. If you are friends with me on Facebook, you've probably already seen it. Here is a pic of baby and me at 28 weeks. Aren't we so cute?

Also, I just passed my 25th birthday on Saturday. I'm now a quarter of a century old. Woot! I woke up to Brandon singing happy birthday and hitting me with a pillow (don't worry- it's a family tradition). And- I won't lie- I LOVE getting presents. For my birthday, I got a GPS, two nice sweaters, a baby nursing cover, and many other gifts. Brandon also made me breakfast, took me out to dinner, and then made my bday cake. The meal was complete with those little ice cream cups that were so awesome in Grade School. My parents also called to sing and talk to me. It was an AMAZING day! :-)

I love life, and all that's going on. Here's to hoping the next couple months go as smoothly as possible!